How To Replace Copper Pipes Safely

In this blog, we will outline the steps on how to replace copper pipes safely and efficiently!

If you’re like most homeowners, your copper pipes are carrying water to every corner of your house. And like most homeowners, you probably don’t give much thought to them until there’s a problem. If you’re experiencing low water pressure, it might be time to replace those old copper pipes with something new.

Replacing copper pipes can be a daunting task, but it’s not as difficult as you might think. Here are the steps you need to take to replace copper pipes safely.

Shut Off The Water Supply

The first step is to shut off the water supply. This can usually be done by turning a valve located near the fixture or appliance that’s receiving water from the pipe. If you’re not sure where the valve is, consult your local plumbing professional. Be sure to open all faucets in the house so that there’s no water pressure left in the pipes when you start working on them.

Cut The Line

Once the water is turned off, use a hacksaw to cut the pipe in two places – about six inches apart. Make sure to cut on top of the pipe, not below it! This will help minimise damage and make it easier to remove the pipe.

Remove The Pipe

Use a pipe wrench to loosen the fittings on each end of the cut pipe. Once they’re loose, pull the pipe out of the wall. If it’s too corroded or damaged, you may need to use a hammer and chisel to break it free. Be careful not to damage the threads on the bottom piece of the pipe! If it’s stubborn, you can use a hammer and chisel to help break it free.

Install The New Pipe

Copper is a valuable resource, and it’s important to recycle and reuse it whenever possible. If you have to replace your copper pipes, make sure to recycle the old ones. There are many scrap copper Sydney merchants or dealers in your city who would be happy to take them off your hands.

Once the old copper pipe is removed, install the new one by following these steps:

  • Apply flux paste to the ends of both pipes.
  • Slide one pipe into the other until they’re fully joined together.
  • Use a propane torch to heat up the joint until it’s hot enough to melt solder (this will take about 15 seconds).
  • Apply solder around the joint for a watertight seal.
  • Repeat this process on both ends of each pipe until they’re fully joined together and secure.

When installing the new pipe, make sure you use approved solder and flux. Also, be careful not to damage the pipe while you’re working on it. If you do end up damaging the pipe, you can usually patch it up with a little bit of solder. Just make sure the area is clean and dry before you start welding.

Turn The Water Back On

Image Source: Pexels

Once you’ve replaced the old pipes with new ones, it’s time to turn the water back on! You can do this by simply turning a valve or knob that controls your system. Be sure not to leave any tools in place while doing so – they may get damaged from being exposed to hot water.

Check For Leaks

After turning the water back on, check for leaks around each joint and connection point. If you find any leaks at all, shut off immediately until repairs have been made. This will help prevent damage from occurring later down the line!

Though the process of replacing copper pipes may seem daunting at first, it is a job that can be easily completed with a few simple tools and some careful planning. By following the steps in this guide, you can replace your old copper pipes with new PVC ones quickly and safely, without any of the hassle or mess usually associated with plumbing projects. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your new piping project today!

About Tim Burnley